What You Should Avoid Doing With Your FUT Coins?


FUT coins are highly-sought in the FIFA gaming platform. These coins can be earned and spent in many ways. Because of the need to build a standard FUT team, gamers have devised means to earn free futcoins. This has led some to taking actions prohibited by the EA. Below are few things gamers should preferably not use their FUT coins for.

Six things you should not use your coins for

  1. Do not use your coins to buy gold packs

You can earn gold coins by merely completing objectives, playing squad battles, and division rivals. This is to say that they are a lot easier to come by than the bronze and silver coins. Buying gold packs is considered a low investment as nobody wants to pay so much for something they may likely win in the next move. You should instead buy the standard versions of the bronze and silver packs for a profitable investment.

  1. Do not sell your FUT coins

The developers of FIFA – EA Sports – have stated that it is against their policy and terms of service for users to buy or sell FUT coins. Users found guilty of selling coins will be permanently banned from accessing online FIFA servers. Coin trading results in inflation in the FIFA Economy, hence disrupting the prices at the transfer market. You also should avoid selling your FUT coins to third parties.

  1. Do not buy all players from a single team

While it is not an offense in FIFA to buy all players from a single club, it is not the best option. When considering Squad Building Challenges solutions, they sometimes require you to submit a team of players from different clubs or nationalities. Selling solutions to SBC challenge on the transfer market can fetch you a good stack of coins. Also, be on alert for live SBCs to see if you can sell a pack of mixed team players.

  1. Do not buy FIFA points from unknown third-party agents

You can reliably buy FIFA points from the Ultimate Team Store. Points are also made available at the console’s store. EA only encourages gamers to buy from a few third-party agents to maintain your account’s security. Some third-party agents may be trying to steal your personal information. EA disables product codes that are illegally obtained.

  1. Do not transfer coins

Giving out free futcoins to others is highly prohibited by the EA. Using the transfer market to send coins rather than buying items is also forbidden. Purchasing items to transfer coins to a different account is also illegal, as it does not allow the true worth of player items to be determined. You should also avoid creating several accounts and channeling your coins to an account.

  1. Do not make abrupt sales to earn coins

Gaming profitably requires patience. Do not hurry to the market with your most-valued players or items. Study the demand for your players and sell them only at the peak of demand. However, take caution not to wait till their value drops.


FUT coins are essential to the development of a nearly-invincible ultimate team. While most gamers do their best to invest wisely and acquire more coins, this article will ensure you know what not to do with your FUT coins to make the most of your gaming experience.

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